
Wednesday, February 18, 2009


This new Tenderness treasury by Veroque included some beadweaving pieces created by EBW members. I was thrilled to find my Rainbow Hues bracelet (lower left) included with so many beautiful selections.

You can check out Veroque's Etsy shop here. She has so many beautiful items in her shop! Here are a couple of my favorites.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tropical Holiday Challenge Winner

With 47 entries from the members of the Etsy Beadweavers team, this challenge had more participants than ever before!

Although choosing among the 47 beautiful entries was difficult, almost 700 people participated and chose the Tropical Treasures necklace created by Mariya of Beadcatcher. Congratulations Mariya!

You can read more about the top ten winners by clicking here.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ollie OOP Treasury on Etsy

I learned something new today. I've been trying to find the easiest way to capture a screen shot of the Etsy Treasuries so that when I'm included in one I can save it for posterity. I read about this on an Etsy forum and thought I'd try it. After I get the page up on my screen, I hit F11 (this gets rid of the firefox or internet explorer headings, etc.) Then I center the picture on the screen the way I want to capture it. I hit "Control and PrtScrn" together (this captures the image on the screen) and then F11 again to return the screen back to "normal." Then I open Adobe Photoshop and "Paste" the picture. Now I can crop and resize as needed. (I'm still learning what size is best to use - today I made it too small, I think.)

I was included in the Ollie OOP treasury created by Noahs Ark Collection on Etsy. If you hurry, you can click here and see it on Etsy. It's only open til Friday, Feb 13th and then will disappear forever.

I know it's too small to read, but mine is the colorful one at the bottom in the middle. I called it Kaleidoscope.

Please say thank you to Noah's Ark by visiting her shop here. This is one of my favorites in the shop:

Monday, February 9, 2009

It's Time to Vote!

The mosaic showing all the entries for the Jan/Feb EBW Challenge "Tropical Holiday" is complete and can be seen on the EBW Blog:

Voting begins today (Feb. 9th) and continues through February 15th.

There are so many wonderful entries! In order to see each entry clearly, scroll down under the mosaic where each item is listed and click on the title of each one. It will take you to the shop of each EBW member and show a larger picture and provide a description. You can also click on the "zoom" buttom below the picture to enlarge it even more.

If you click on the pictures in the mosaic, you will be taken to the Flickr page.

Enjoy all the beautiful creations and be sure to vote for your favorite.

Friday, February 6, 2009

One Little Heart

Isn't it funny how one little heart can make a person's day? I just had my day made today with one that was sent from Laura Timmins on Etsy.

I love and admire Laura's polymer clay work. If anything makes me want to get out my polymer clay, it's viewing her work. You can admire it on her website or on her new Etsy site - Go Head Over Heals.

I've been trying to make spiral beads like Laura's for some time now. Here's one of her creations that I absolutely love:

Thank you again Laura for jump starting my day. Just one little heart - go ahead and send one - and make someone's day.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Latvian Bead Artists

I wanted to introduce everyone to another blog that is showcasing Latvian beadweavers. It is very inspiring to read their stories and see their beadwork.

Go to or click here and enjoy!

Isn't it wonderful that we have such a connection with people from all over the world through beads? I am so thankful for the skills my mother and grandmother taught me (sewing and crochet). I'm so thankful to be able to use my hands and eyes for the detailed work when weaving those tiny rocailles together in the hopes it will result in something beautiful.

And I'm so thankful for beaders around the world who share the same passion and feel the same therapeutic results. It's so inspiring.