
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I Can't Stop Making Them!

My latest bead addiction is making Statement Rings.   I owe this new addition to a wonderful beading artist and friend, Sabine Lippert of Try to Be.  She started making rings a few months ago and is now determined to make 365 rings - one for each day of the year.  You can see all the rings she has made on her blog.  Each ring is unique and simply wonderful!

My granddaughter and daughter saw one of Sabine's rings posted on facebook and my granddaughter said, "I would so rock that ring!"  But no amount of arm twisting or persuading would get Sabine to sell any of her rings.  There was only one solution to that problem - make my own ring and hope that my granddaughter will "rock it" as much as Sabine's.

My first ring was an experiment to see how things would go so I decided to make it for myself - a more subdued ring - not too wild and crazy.

I used one of my own dichroic glass beads (a cabochon with a hole in the middle) which I call my DichroCentrics line.  I've had them around for quite a while and even though I love them, I just wasn't sure how to use them.  Until now, that is!

I made my second ring for my daughter (sort of working up courage to make one for my granddaughter).  They wanted some big "funky" rings and so my journey into "funkiness" began.  I called my daughter's ring Peace, Hope and Love based on the dangles.  I chose those specific dangles because they mean something special to her.  The dove represents peace (and her husband calls her his little dove).  The wing represents hope as in Isaiah 40:31 "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint."  She calls her husband her Eagle.  The heart represents love.  So it is a special ring with a statement - thus the name "Statement Rings."

Before I could start on my granddaughter's ring, I had to order some special dangles.  While I was waiting, I practiced on another ring and came up with this Ladybug Halloween ring.  It reminds me of a spider - EEK!  This one is for sale in my Etsy shop.

I have now completed the ring for my granddaughter and I'm calling it "Life's a Hoot!"  You'll see why when you see the main dangle.  I sure hope she likes it.

Yes, I am an addict and proud of it!  Happy Beading Everyone!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bead & Button Show 2011

I'm getting ready to go to the Bead & Button Show in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  If you haven't been to this show, you are missing out on the largest bead show in the world!   From June 4 to June 12, I will be in bead heaven - greeting old beading friends and meeting new ones, attending classes to learn new techniques, and of course - shopping for beads!  And another special reason for going is I get to see my grandson who lives, works and goes to school in Milwaukee.

The Bead and Finished Jewelry Marketplace opens to the public June 10 - 12th, 2011. Admission is $10.  There are hundreds of vendors!!  You can view a list of all the Bead Exhibitors here. For the first time ever, one of my beading friends from Bulgaria will be attending as a bead exhibitor.

Vladislav and Kremena Ivanov are the owners of Golem Design Studio.  They create high quality artisan handmade stoneware beads, pendants, and cabochons with a folk art look utilizing detailed glazing techniques.  You can view their work on their website and find out more about them on their facebook page.

Golem Design Studio is sharing booth 111 with Marsha Hedrick who is a porcelain artist.  You can find out more about Marsha on her website and on her facebook page (Amazing Porcelain Fantasies).  Here is one example of a new line of cabochons Marsha has created.

This year I will be taking three classes.  My first class is "Wire Finishing Techniques" taught by Adrienne Gaskell.  My second class is "Paper Clip Bead Looming" taught by Judy Walker.  My third class is "Kumihimo Sparks" sponsored by Swarovski Elements and taught by Jamie North.  I always look forward to the classes and learning new techniques and skills.

Only a few more days to wait!  Hope to see you there!