
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Fun with Super Duos

Just a quick post to share some fun things I've been making with the new Super Duo beads.   I created these earrings for a fun earring exchange this Christmas.  These are the earrings I sent.  I'm still waiting to receive mine from an unknown Santa.
I also made a necklace for my Mom for Christmas.  She's told me at least 35 times how much she likes it which makes me very happy.  Mom will be 100 years old Jan 11 2013 so I called this necklace Centennial.
I love the Super Duos.  They have two holes (one in each end) and are very uniform in shape so they are easy to use in many different ways.  There are lots of new colors to play with too.
Happy Beading!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

This is the lovely Christmas card my neighbor Lenore brought to me with a plate of homemade cookies - so I thought I'd share it with you (the card, not the cookies - they have all disappeared!)
"Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign:  Behold the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel."  Isaiah 7:14
Immanuel means God with us.  May you experience the joy, love and peace of God this Christmas Season and into the New Year.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

New Beginnings - Part I

Has it really been 3 months since I last posted?  Arggghhhh!   I'm so glad there are no blogging police that monitor such things.  I am sorry and promise to do better from now on.

Much has happened in the past three months, both personally and business wise.  I moved from Jacumba to Santee, CA in October.  I bought my own place - a double wide mobile home in a 55+ park.  It's an older home, but has lots of upgrades and most importantly, I believe it is the home God has provided for  me.  I feel safe and am content here.

There is a wonderful deck that goes along the side and back of the house with sliding glass doors in both bedrooms giving easy access.  This is the picture before I moved in.  I have since added pebble gravel in between all the pavers and hung hummingbird feeders along the edge of the deck top.  The previous owner left all the plants you see in this picture - so nice of her!

I moved in with high expectations of having everything organized within a few weeks.  I'm still living with piles of stuff, especially in my spare bedroom which is in the process of being transformed into my business/art/jewelry studio.   You can see a glimpse of the sliding glass doors midway down the deck.  I sit each morning looking out those patio doors while I'm visiting with friends on facebook and reading e-mail.  Every once in a while, hummingbirds will stop by for a drink.  I've yet to capture them in a picture, but I'm sure I will when Spring arrives.

The blue home behind mine is where Lenore lives.  She has become a wonderful friend who welcomed me into the neighborhood and invited me to go with her to attend the clubhouse breakfasts, soup lunches, potlucks, and clubhouse events.  Here's a picture of the clubhouse and pool area.  I haven't tested out the waters yet - perhaps when it becomes a bit warmer.
Enough for this morning.  I'll share more in Part II.  Thanks for stopping by and sharing time with me.