
Saturday, December 20, 2008

New Etsy Beadweavers Challenge

The Etsy December Beadweaving Challenge has ended. There were 658 votes and 31 gorgeous entries. The winner with 133 votes (20% of the total number of votes) was Karin of Gypsy Eyes Jewelry who won with her Queen of the Frozen Tundra necklace. Congratulations to her!

Now we face a new challenge - TROPICAL HOLIDAY!

When I first heard the new theme, the first thing that came to my mind was lots of bright, bold colors - luscious green palm trees, gorgeous blue waters, brilliant red and pink flowers, and for some reason, bright yellow bananas. How will I ever combine all that into one piece of jewelry?

The good news is that we have until February 5th to complete our piece. Stay tuned for updates and on my progress.


  1. I can't wait to see what you come up with. I don't have any ideas yet.

  2. I have been thinking on the new topic too. We had such beautiful entries in the last one. It is going to be hard to top them.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!