
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

All My Time is Spent on the Computer!!

It seems like my designing and creating time has taken a backseat to working on the computer these past few weeks. But I did accomplish a lot!

I opened a second Etsy Shop for all my non-beaded creations called "Dangles By Linda." You can look at it by clicking here. I have lots of work to do yet taking pictures and uploading all the info to the site.

I also opened a website on eCRATER (it's free!) and you can look at my pages by clicking here. Again, lots of work yet to be done, but it's a start.

I also signed up for Google Checkout. I've always (and still do) use PayPal, but didn't think adding another option would be a bad thing.

I spent time yesterday in one of the Virtual Labs on Etsy. Chatted with lots of fellow Etsians, got questions answered by an Esty person, and learned how to fling hearts and paper airplanes across the virtual room. I also learned how to do "show and tell" in the virtual lab.

I learned how to do an Etsy-mini and posted it here on my blog. I also learned more about widgets and how to add them to my sites. I also learned how to add a picture of one of my products to Google Base (don't ask).

I did get one more bracelet finished (I know, I said I needed to stop making bracelets and work on my challenge piece). You can find a picture of it here.

I have made a promise to myself that tomorrow is going to be spent on creating - no more computer work! My husband is off on a fishing trip to Mexico, so I can really make a mess!

I wish everyone a Happy New Year! Stay Safe.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

New Etsy Beadweavers Challenge

The Etsy December Beadweaving Challenge has ended. There were 658 votes and 31 gorgeous entries. The winner with 133 votes (20% of the total number of votes) was Karin of Gypsy Eyes Jewelry who won with her Queen of the Frozen Tundra necklace. Congratulations to her!

Now we face a new challenge - TROPICAL HOLIDAY!

When I first heard the new theme, the first thing that came to my mind was lots of bright, bold colors - luscious green palm trees, gorgeous blue waters, brilliant red and pink flowers, and for some reason, bright yellow bananas. How will I ever combine all that into one piece of jewelry?

The good news is that we have until February 5th to complete our piece. Stay tuned for updates and on my progress.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bracelet Binge

I've been on a bracelet binge lately (with seed beads of course)! Below are pictures of three different bracelets I've created. They are such fun to make! I've got lots of ideas in mind for more but have got to take a break and work on my piece for the new Etsy challenge which I'll write more about later.

Icy Blue Bracelet

Icy Blue Bracelet, originally uploaded by BeadsForever.

This bracelet is created with size 8 seed beads using the square stitch for a base. The fringe was then added with alternating blue/purple size 8 seed beads and Czech size 3 fire polished glass beads and tiny rocailles.

Silky Coppery Bracelet

Silky Coppery Bracelet, originally uploaded by BeadsForever.

This bracelet is created using size 8 seed beads in peyote stitch with square glass beads and tiny rocaille seed beads added as fringe along each side.

Blue Violets Bracelet

Blue Violets Bracelet, originally uploaded by BeadsForever.

This bracelet is created with the square stitch using size 8 seed beads. The fringe beads were made with Czech fire polished glass beads and size 15 rocailles. The clasp is handmade using peyote stitch.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

This is my entry into the Etsy Beadweaver's December Challenge titled "Snow Queen." I chose to use shiny silver and gold rocaille (size 15) seed beads to make the flowers and leaves and the chain is a spiral stitch.

Etsy Beadweaver's December Challenge

I can't believe how the time has flown by and I haven't written anything here since the end of October! So much has happened and I've been making so many new beaded items and it's been very exciting. I really do need to be more responsible for my blog, especially since I have my first follower! Thank you - that was so exciting to see.

For the first time I created a piece to enter into the Etsy Beadweavers monthly challenge. The theme is "Snow Queen" and the entries this month are absolutely awesome. My entry pales in comparison to so many of them, but it was a great learning experience for me and I'm glad I decided to enter my piece even though it was scarey.

If you are interested in seeing all the entries, you can view them on Etsy ( and in the search field put "EBWC" which stands for Etsy Beadweavers Challenge.

In a few days, all of the entries will be posted on the Etsy Beadweavers Blogspot
( and you can actually vote for your favorite beginning December 10th.

My Journey to Beads

All my life I have enjoyed creating. As a young girl I learned to sew with needle and thread and to crochet with my grandmother. I enjoyed artwork and crafts. But I never realized how much it meant to me until a few years ago. I worked several years as an elementary grade school teacher and then got into computers and accounting. I spent my whole life working at jobs I didn't really enjoy. I discovered beads in my 50's.

It all started with my love of discovering pretty rocks. Whenever I would visit a new place, my head would be looking down at the ground hoping to spot something pretty. My growing rock collection soon led me to joining a rock and gem club. I learned how to identify my rocks, but I also learned much more. I learned that rocks I had collected could be cut, polished and formed into shapes that could be used in jewelry. Well that opened up a whole new world! Making cabachons, wirewrapping and silver work were soon new skills I was learning.

Then came the Gem and Mineral shows. While attending all the shows, I made a new discovery - beads. I began stringing beads to make my own jewelry. I learned how to crimp and about all the different findings that could be used in making jewelry. I became hooked.

I think I came full circle when I discovered that I could use a needle and thread with beads and with my pretty rocks. I learned that there were many different beadweaving stitches that could be used to combine all the things I love into jewelry. The creative possibilities were endless!

But I'm not done. I also discovered Polymer Clay and Precious Metal Clay. These two mediums allow for even more creativity in combining them with beadweaving. And what about making my own beads out of them? And what about learning lampworking? Those handmade glass beads are gorgeous!

So that's my journey to beads in a nutshell. I'm pretty sure the journey will not be over for a long, long time, God willing. I thank Him for giving me this desire to create.