
Saturday, April 4, 2009

1000Markets - New Shop and New Market!

I opened a new shop on 1000Markets and together with several other beadweavers, we created a brand new market called "The Beadweaving Emporium." It's not open for business quite yet as it was just approved and is in the process of being created. But I did blog about it in my 1000Markets blog.

Drop by for a visit and post a comment on my shop wall.


  1. Very nice blog, I like your blog on 1000 markets as well. I'm so excited about The Beadweaving Emporium Market. Happy to have you as a teammate.

  2. Hi, Linda!! Here I am to pat you on the back!! Well done! Aren't we proud??

  3. Congratulations on your success in creating the market. I have an account on there but need to complete adding items so that I can get my shop approved by 1000 markets.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!