
Sunday, April 12, 2009

My First Publication!

What a wonderful surprise it was to receive my May/June 09 edition of Step By Step Beads Magazine this month. I was happily paging through the magazine and when I got to page 48 my mouth fell open! There was my necklace, made for my 95 year old mother (last year) for Mother's Day.

I had sent the picture and a brief explanation to Step By Step Beads in December 08 as a response to a request for pictures of jewelry we had made for our mothers. Mom had told me she loved this necklace, so I decided to send it in. I got a very brief, "Thank you for your submission," from the magazine, and so I thought they probably didn't like it enough to use it.

So you can imagine my surprise when I saw my necklace, published, in print, in beautiful color!

It was such a joy to call my mom and tell her about it. It made her day too! Mom's name is Thelma and she turned 96 this past January. She's an amazing woman!


  1. What a wonderful surprise! congratulations your necklace looks wonderful in print.

  2. Congratulations! it's a lovely piece!!!

  3. Ooohh...what a great surprise and such a great honor...for both you & you Mom!! Congrats!

  4. Congratulations Linda! What a wonderful surprise for your and your mother :) It is a beautiful necklace, no wonder it was published ;) Well done!

  5. I can just feel your surprise and excitement on turning that page Linda! Congratulations! It's a beautiful necklace and I'm sure your Mom treasures it :0)

  6. What a beautiful necklace, and how nice that you can share such a wonderful thing with your mother. Congratualions to you both!!

  7. Congrats to you both! You should be proud.

    at Rings & Things

  8. How exciting; I get this magazine and now I can say I know her (sort of)...congrats! Beautiful necklace.


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