
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Let's Hear It For Instanbul, Turkey Artists!

I was checking "who hearts me" in my Etsy shop over the past two days and was amazed to find a flurry of new hearts from some wonderful Etsy shops whose owners are from Turkey! Most were from Instanbul and one was from Izmir. It is so amazing to me that someone from halfway around the world (I'm near San Diego, CA) could find my shop! Thank you for all the hearts from Turkey!

I visited all of their Etsy shops and they are now in my favorites too. I was very impressed with their artistry so I thought I'd share them with you.

The first shop is Melt'm Design Studio (Meltem Semizoglu, Owner). Her "Blue Snowflake" is one of my favorites.

Second is Peling - Absinthe Jewelry. Here's some fabulous earrings from her shop. I love what she does with the lace!

Third is Filo Fashion. She has some beautiful knitted items including this necklace that is so unique.

Fourth is EviHAN Glass and Silver Jewelry. She makes beautiful rings and these adorable glass angels .

Fifth is Kirevi8 - Authentic Anatolian Jewelry. She makes these awesome Turkish Lacework necklaces.

Sixth is Ismersmyrna. She is from Izmir, Turkey. This natural stone necklace in her shop is so pretty!

Last, but certainly not least is Selecta6. This beaded necklace is so unique and beautiful!

I'm forever awed at how small our world becomes through the aid of technology and sites like Etsy! There is such creativity throughout the world and I believe it's something beautiful we should share as much as we can!


  1. its great to see my all friends designs here Thank you so much

  2. Thank you so much Linda, I am so hapy to see my earrings in your blog.. :)
    Kisses from Istanbul :)

  3. Thank you so much for this wonderful featured ! Great blog by the way!

  4. What a great post about amazing Turkish Etsians! Beautiful items! I looove all of them!

  5. A wonderful selection from magnificent Turkey!
    Congratulations all artists and thanks Linda!

  6. Thank you very much. Lovely selection. Turkey is amazing country.

  7. Stunning selection .........tahnk you so much !!
    I love all :))

  8. Stunning selection, bravo...

    I love all :))

    Merci beaucoup Linda :)

  9. Dear made a great job...thank you for including me:-)

    I appreciate it:-)


  10. I love your beautiful blog.I will follow your nice works.
    Thanks so much for selecting my Oya necklace and also thanks for featuring my LOVELY country.!

  11. Dear Linda thanks so much for featuring my LOVELY country and also forselecting my OYA necklace!

  12. Dear Linda,
    I'm excited.. Thank you very much for adding my item. You are very kind. Your blog is wonderful and elegant.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!