
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ta Da! My First Dichroic Glass Pendants

I'm not a morning person. I usually stay up until 11pm and then read for at least 1/2 hour, so waking up before 8:00 is not my cup of tea, so to speak. But this morning was different. My eyes popped open at 6:30 and I had to sneak out of bed, get dressed and skip out to our shed where my kiln awaited. It was Christmas time!

My heart was beating fast and I was holding my breath. I was full of hope, but prepared for disappointment. I cautiously opened the door of the kiln.

I should have taken a picture of the pendants still in the kiln, but my mind just wasn't working that way. I couldn't wait to get my hands on them. Here's my precioussssssss pendants!

Pendant 1

Pendant 2

Pendant 3

OK, maybe they aren't the most beautiful pieces of dichroic glass in the world, but they mean so much to me. I learned a new skill and it was FUN! And I'm so looking forward to doing it again - and again - and again.

Let me know which pendant you like best and why. It will be fun to read your comments!


  1. That's really exciting! Congratulations :D

  2. Way to go, isn't it great learning new skills and putting them to use right away!! It's what keeps me going in the jewelry business. GREAT JOB!!

  3. I love them all! If I have to pick a favorite, I think pendant #1 has such great color and texture combinations.

  4. Wow! They are wonderful. I have always daydreamed about glass work, but not yet made the effort. It sure paid off for you. Congratulations!!!

  5. They are so pretty! Congratulations on your new talent.

  6. Oh my goodness! They are awesome! I LOVE # 1 the colors are great, such a cool design... i love them all, but # 1 and 3 are my favorites... great combination of colors!

  7. These are great!! It's a hard choice for me between #1 and #2 but I think I have to go with #1 as my favorite. The color is so rich and it has great depth.

  8. They're great. It's neat that you have a kiln so you can keep making pieces. I like #3 the best- I prefer more neutral colors and I like the shape.

  9. I can really feel the excitement in your words Linda and I think I would have been exactly the same - what fun! I think number 3 is my favourite - the colours remind me of cherry blossom in the spring :0)

  10. Too hard to pick a favorite. They are all beautiful. Congrats on learning a new skill.



Thanks for sharing your thoughts!