
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Beads, Beads, Beads Treasury on Etsy

When I see the word "Beads," it gets my attention. Just imagine all the beads it took to create all the lovely bead woven items in this Etsy Treasury.

SF Beads created this treasury and included my "Royal Affair" necklace with all the other lovely work. I checked out her shop and found many other items that could have been included, like this pretty "Summer Necklace."

This bracelet is called "Copper Age" would be perfect for fall.

If you've never stopped to consider the beauty of beads before, now is the time. You can find many beautiful bead woven items on Etsy, all handmade and created with love.


  1. The treasury is beautiful!
    But this bracelet... oh my... it is gorgeous!

  2. Lovely treasury and such a wonderful place for your necklace to be displayed.

  3. The treasury is lovely. Lots of work there too.
    I really love the copper bracelet. Fabulous.

  4. Wow, wow, wow! Your work is fabulous!

  5. Thank you, Linda! It was my pleasyre to make this Treasure! You are so kind to say these nice words about me. Thank you sooooooooooo much again!

  6. That is so funny how you say that when you see the word "beads" it gets your attention as it reminds me of when we drive up to San Francisco. On the way we drive past Tehachapi and along the freeway is a big billboard that says "BEADS" as there is a bead shop there. I haven't ever had the chance to stop there...yet. But every time we go by there I shout it out and my husband

  7. Linda just read your comment and that is so funny. I always end up forgetting about that shop until I see the billboard so never make plans to go. I will though one day. Thanks for stopping by too.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!