
Saturday, January 30, 2010

My First Cab Used in Silver Working

A proud moment here! One of the cabs I sent to a friend in Germany was given to her friend, Elvira, who is learning silverworking. She created this beauty!

You can visit Elvira's blog called Maybe-Beads and if you read German, you can read more about it there. She calls it Abyss. I love it!

It brings me such joy when other artists use one of my dichroic glass cabochons to bring more beauty into the world!

Thank you, Elvira!


  1. Dear Linda,
    I loved the wonderful cabochon since I got it from my friend Mariposa. I had to think it over for some days what to create with it. At the same time I could book a workshop in silversmithing. And then it seemed to be the best way to make a silver bezel for the cabochon to have the right frame for it's beauty. I'm so happy that you like my work. Thanks a lot for your nice words and the link to my blog.

  2. The cabachon gorgeous on its own, the silver enhances it. It's always very rewarding to see how your pieces are being incorporated into other masterpieces. Thank you for sharing, Joyce


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!