
Monday, November 15, 2010

And the Winner is...

In honor of reaching 200 sales in my Etsy shop, 43 people commented on my blog and/or let me know that they tried but couldn't due to technical difficulties.  All 43 names went into the hat and my husband pulled out the name "Cali."  Cali won one of my Walk on the Wild Side dichroic glass cabochons I called Midnight Mystery. 

Congrats, Cali!  I left a comment on your facebook page!

Thanks to everyone who commented (or tried) and to all those who have been such an encouragement to me over the past year!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Linda, it was such an encouragement to learn of your experience..through such great patience and by HIS GRACE & Blessings upon you. i "rest" off from my esty shop seeing no response thro weeks and yet u took a year, much that i should "kick" myself back to it and lots to learn from yr "going-on" spirit.. thank Q so much for sharing.. Best wishes ~ Lynda of Singapore


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