
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bead Journal Project - January 2011

I'm only one day late in finishing my very first Bead Journal Project!  Yay!  I thought I was being so smart to limit my size to 3x3".  Believe me, that is huge when it comes to doing bead embroidery.  Next year, I will think even smaller! 

I am hoping to put all of my monthly projects together into an art picture, so I am leaving the edges unfinished until I know how I'm going to put them all together.  I will be using one of my own dichroic glass cabochons for each month of the year. This cab has always reminded me of a winter blizzard, so I thought it was appropriate for January. You can see just a bit of the trees, buildings and ground through the swirling snow.

This was very difficult to photograph, so it looks a bit blue in this picture.  All of the beads (except for the green ones) are crystal, silver or white and many have an AB finish.

I'm very happy with my first Bead Journal Project and excited that I finished my January project before leaving for the Tucson bead shows tomorrow. 


  1. YAY YOU!!! White and crystals are so hard to photograph... you did a great job!!!

  2. Hi Linda
    It certainly is brilliant and beautiful. It does remind you of a blizzard!

  3. Linda, it's gorgeous!!! I love it!!! And I especially love your cab, of course!! I can't wait to see next month's!!!

  4. Brrrrrrr! The cold and snow, yes, and the beauty of it all so well shown in this piece, Linda!

    Have fun at the Tucson bead shows! Are you a vendor?

    3x3 is a fairly reasonable size... some will go faster than others, at least that's my experience. Do you feel compelled to cover each piece entirely with beads? What are you beading on? Fabric?

  5. Thanks everyone for the nice comments!
    Robin, I'm not a vendor, just a beadaholic buyer!
    I'm beading on Pellon CraftFuse (2 pieces fused together) - kind of like Lacy's stiff stuff, but readily available at JoAnns. I'm open to NOT covering the whole thing, but for this month's piece I guess I was compelled - seemed only right for a blizzard! lol

  6. What a beautiful icy piece. Congratulations.

  7. This is stunning! I love it. :)

  8. Super gorgeous! You make snow look glamorous.

    Marty S
    Crackpot Beader

  9. Very lovely piece. I really like the cab. My first year in BJP I used one of my own lampworked beads each month. Glass is so inspiring! Congratulations on completing month 1.

  10. Really nice piece. Congratulations!! Photography is still the hardest part to me.


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