
Thursday, March 10, 2011

February Bead Journal Project

My new motto:  Better Late Than Never!  For my 2011 Bead Journal Project, I am creating 3"x3" bead embroidered art pieces around my dichroic glass cabochons for each month of the year.  I just finished my February BJP piece (only 10 days late).

For February, I wanted to make a dichroic glass heart to bead around and I was quite pleased with how it turned out.  For some reason, abstract swirls came to my mind, so using the pinks, reds, golds and purples in the glass, I came up with this design.

It will be interesting to see how all these different "bead paintings" look together at the end of the year.  I'm sure I will hear my husband's most used comment when he views my bead work, "That's different."  But that's OK because I'm having such fun with these!



  1. This is great. I love how you followed the swirlies (is that a word?) in the glass heart in your beadwork, beautiful.

  2. I love it - and it IS different - you can tell that Linda made it, because it is your style! I think it looks wonderful, and I wish I could make a spiral!!

  3. What a lovely, artistic piece. I look forward to seeing all of your monthly projects. It will be a neat story for this year.

    Happy Beading ~ FlowerLady

  4. It looks great and I like the colors

  5. This is really a great piece! I too love the swirls!

    That's better than what my husband always says. "Very nice"........He always says that. Just once I'd like to hear a real opinion from him!

  6. Great piece. I love how you did the swirls - beautiful work.

  7. Thank you all for your nice comments. I really appreciate them!

  8. What a nice idea and a wonderful heart.

  9. This is absolutely stunning, and I love the way the beads flow so perfectly. Flow is always what I try to achieve, but am not as good at it. Also, I love the you interspersed some purple with the other colors, it works perfectly and is one of my favorites!

  10. I love it! Why do husband's say that??? Mine says the same thing.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!