
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Giveaway Prizes

Here are pictures of the drawing prizes I'm giving away to celebrate all my fans on my Facebook BeadsForever business page.  If you haven't already entered, take a moment to enter now.  Just "like" my facebook page (if you haven't already) and leave a comment on my blog under either of the two posts about my giveaway and you are entered.  It's that easy.  My husband will be drawing three names out of the hat on Friday, October 21 at 6pm PST.  There will be three names drawn and three prizes given away.  Be sure there is a way to contact you if you are the winner.

If you want to have a 2nd chance, share this blogpost on facebook and for a 3rd chance, share it on twitter.  Be sure to let me know where you shared it so I put your name into the hat for each share.

OK, so ready for the prizes?  The first name drawn will win one of my larger, more wild and crazy cabs as well as a fabulous book on bead embroidery 'The Art of Bead Embroidery' by Heidi Kummli and Sherry Serafini.  You can view a picture of the book on Amazon here.

The 2nd name drawn will win these two dichroic glass cabochons - both are hot out of my kiln.

The 3rd name drawn will win this dichroic glass cabochon.

Good luck to everyone.  Most of all, THANK YOU to all my fans for your support and affirmation!


  1. Oh my these are amazing and you are so sweet to do this! The winners will be drooling for sure!!!

  2. Oh, wow...that is amazing art and great prizes as well. I really wished I would be lucky for once.
    For now, I shared it on FB and Twitter. I need to double ( that even a word in English?) my chances ;-). Now, I will keep my fingers crossed for myself. ;-)


  3. I love them all, but the first ...

  4. Stunning!!
    PLEASE enter me!!


  5. Wow!!! found you through "M-ixes" Please, enter me!!!

  6. Came back again to watch these beauties:) I always forgot to ask: do you make cabs on request?

  7. Good luck to everyone! :)
    Eva - I've tried making cabs on request and they just never seem to turn out - so I just follow my muse and hope someone will like them.

  8. Oh well hello giveaway...sharing too...would love to win anything you make ;o) Beautiful stuff

  9. Thank you for this opportunity - I love your work.

  10. Linda, thanks for your generous offer!
    Mary Alexander

  11. Love your work! Please enter me!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!