
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Battle of the Beadsmith Update

Since returning from Bead & Button in Milwaukee and from visiting my family in South Dakota, I've been working on my Battle of the Beadsmith (BOTB) piece.  I thought I'd share some sneak preview pictures to show my progress.

Here's a close up of some of my focal beads:

Oh, gee, is it blurry?  Sorry about that. 

Ha Ha!  You do know that I can't show you anything before the big reveal of all the entries, right?!   Stay tuned for future progress pictures.  ;D

Pieces from 80 bead artists from around the world will be sent to The Beadsmith (sponsor of this big event) on or before July 10.  Many have finished their pieces, but I'm still working on mine.

If you would like to meet the artists and see some extraordinary examples of their beadwork, click here.  The actual contest entries will not be shown until after July 10.


  1. Oh Linda you are such a tease! ;-) Congratulations on your cuff being represented in the Battle of The Beadsmith add. I saw it in the new Beadwork magazine the other day and said wow that is Linda's cuff and then I remembered that I have the kit which I still have not made. I will get it made and when I do I will send a picture.

  2. Thanks Therese! I'm pretty excited about my bracelet being in the Beadsmith ads! I do hope you will send me a picture. :)


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!