
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

B.O.T.B 2013

The Battle of the Beadsmith 2013 contest is well underway.  Round 1 battles have been fought and the survivors have moved on to Round 2.  Whew!  My Crystal Volcano necklace is a survivor.


Each round, participants are randomly paired, and then voting takes place.  The participants and specially invited judges, as well as the public are invited to vote for the piece they feel should move on to the next round.

There are three groups (A, B and C) and in Round 2, there are 16 pairings in each group.  Participants come from many different countries all around the world.  And what better way to introduce them than on Facebook.  If you'd like to see all of the wonderful creations, click HERE.  It will take you to the Group page and if you are not a member of the group, just request to become a member.  Then click on the "PHOTOS" button at the top of the page and you will see all of the beautiful and creative entries.

While the name uses the term "Battle" it is not the bloody and ferocious type.  It's a fun-loving, creative, worldwide expression of Bead Art.  It's just that only one Beading Queen can reign at the end.  Come join in the fun!


  1. A fascinatingly beautiful composed collar, congratulations!
    With best greetings from Lower-Austria:

  2. Congratulations, your necklace is wonderful!!!

  3. What a gorgeous and unusual focal stone! And you've surrounded it with such a graceful design. Kudos!

    1. Thank you! The stone is called Eudialyte and is from the Kola Peninsula in Russia (semi rare).

  4. It really is a gorgeous piece. Fingers crossed for the 2nd round!

    1. Thanks for the crossed fingers Cindy! Voting for the 2nd round is almost done.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!