
Monday, July 16, 2012

At Long Last!

Finally, the day has arrived!  Almost all of the gorgeous 2012 Battle of the Beadsmith entries have been posted and I must say - they are breathtaking!

You can see all of the entries in the group page on facebook.  Click on this url:!/groups/274053372682035/photos/

My entry was held up being posted until almost the end because my competitor's entry was not received and they are unsure if the e-mail was lost or not.  I have no misgivings about being a finalist, but I did have a lot of fun making my piece.  It features cabochons created by Vladislov Ivanov and Kremena Ivanova, married owners of Golem Design Studio.

I had so much fun creating this necklace.  I love the zentangle nature of the cabs and knew I needed to keep the beadwork simple because of all the design and motion going on in the cabs.  I'm also excited that the artists who create these amazing cabs are making smaller sized cabs - providing jewelry designers with even more creative possibilities.

Golem Design Studio also has an Etsy shop.


  1. So my question is, did you have the cabs, and created a piece to show them off, or did you have an idea in mind, and had them create the cabs for you? It really does remind me of Zentangle. I love how you let the beauty of the cabs shine. You are such an awesome designer!!!

    1. Thank you very much Shirley. I got all the cabs when I was at Bead & Button. I started out thinking I would do some bead Zentangle with just a few of them, but I kept changing my mind and then it just somehow morphed into this. lol

  2. Inspired palette - the blue you chose makes just the right impact with those browns and crisp whites. I love how your beadwork frames the cabs, and applaud the confidence you show in allowing them to command attention. A beautiful piece!

  3. Gorgeous piece Linda, the blue beads make the brown in the cabs pop. Oh and those cabs are beautiful, they almost look like dark chocolate with white piped icing, yummy!
    Congratulations on your creation and good luck in the competition.

    1. Thank you Therese! I've had lots of people tell me they remind them of chocolate! :)

  4. You’re amazing woman!
    What Backstory beads said. lol. DEborah

  5. It's just awesome. Beautiful workmanship!


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