
Friday, July 13, 2012

The Battle is Getting Fierce!

The Beadsmith is beginning to post the "Battle" pieces on their group page on facebook.  I cannot share the beautiful pieces, but you can see all of them here:!/groups/274053372682035/photos/

There will be 40 groups of photos.  Each group will show the amazing and creative beadwork of two of the 80 talented beadweaving artists from around the world.  After they are all posted and we have time to pick our jaws up off the floor, then the judging will begin.

Out of the 80 entries, only 40 will remain after the first round.  These 40 will again be paired up with another "battle warrior" and the 2nd round of judging will begin.

Who will be the winner of the battle?  Stay tuned!!

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