Where have I been and what have I been doing? Amazingly, I haven't been anywhere outside my four walls, but I have been busy.
To start with, I've been caught up with making dichroic glass cabochons. I just can't get enough of them. And while I'd like to do beadwork around each and every one of them, I only have 2 arms and there are just not enough hours in the day. So I started selling them in
my Etsy shop.
Here are the first two cabochons that were purchased by Sabine Lippert from Germany.

I just love what she did with them. Her beadwork is always unique and I think she really shows off the cabs wonderfully!

You can see more of her work on her blog,
Try-To-Be-Better or on her website,
Try-To-Be. She also just opened an Etsy shop,
Try-To-Be-Unique, where she sells her patterns. I am going to be one of her customers for sure!
Stay tuned for more dichroic cab updates and some information on the process of making them.